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Day 9_New Direction | Perspective:Change
Day 9_New Direction
Before the Christmas break, myself and Charlotte sat down for a final meeting. In making the DVD for the parent`s day, I had noticed some photographs taken by the children during the residency that had been overlooked. Originally taken just to create material for montage, these images of the outside environment all contained reference, though small, to a human presence. Something seemed familiar about this. I looked back on some older work of my own in the studio, unfinished thoughts addressing my sense of my place in a broader natural environment. Some of my recent gathered photographs also contained this reference. I began to thing about us looking less simply at the outside environment and more about our place within it. Charlotte on hearing these thoughts, explained that she was hoping to introduce a sort of social history to the classroom, exploring ways that people used to work within the area.
We began the first day of phase two by looking at images that traced this line of thought, in order to get the jist of the development of direction across. These images included the children`s own photos, images from my studio (past and present), images from the Romantics movement. We then discussed the idea of portraiture - an interesting conversation arose about what defined a portrait. Thoughts that it should be drawn or painted, that it couldn`t be a photograph. Although agreement that a structure or sculptural work could be portraiture. A portrait as simply being a clue or collection of clues toward a person, assembled or rendered in any number of ways?
We spent the rest of the day on portraiture - eachother, self, representational, more abstract, including external environment, including tendancies/likes/activities individual to one`s self.
The idea is to slowly extend this observation outside of the classroom into the locality.
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