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Milk Bottle Shark with transition years | Puppetry With Transition Years
Milk Bottle Shark with transition years

11. Closed mouth view of 10 where you can see the lower jaw’s overlap through the side and also the tuck glued on the back of the lower jaw to improve jaw closure. Unfortunately the record of making is broken here as I then gave it to a student who’s own shark puppet (which inspired this design) had been lost/stolen and she continued its making. Before that I attached a rod up the straight back of the jaw, gluing it securely to this, and attached fishing line to the back of the upper jaw so that the snapping action could be controlled. I will see have I permission to post a film of it in action after she had covered it, etc.
For full record of milk bottle shark making to this point please see :úca/153761464651626?fref=ts Here you can also see a record of rod puppet shoulder and arm mechanisms made similarly.
For images of puppets made by the transition year students and reflections / commentary etc, please see other postings under ’puppetry With Transition years’
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