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The Whole World in our Hands, Cappabue National School, Infants - 6th class | Tales of Light and Shadow, Children’s Exhibition
The Whole World in our Hands, Cappabue National School, Infants - 6th class
We were inspired by James L. Hayes’ exhibition, in particular Looking into the light of Dark Matters and The Essence of Taste. Following all the discussion on sustainability and recycling, we began to think of ways that we could incorporate this into our artwork.
We know that recycling is very important so to increase awareness we decided to use recycled materials, aluminium cans, old newspapers and a used tyre. The hands represent us as we hold the future of the world in our hands. The light in the globe lights up the earth and shines a light for our future. The cut-outs on the globe are symbols of life on earth...a tree, leaf, bird and fish. We must protect these precious elements.
"We have the whole world in our hands. It is up to us whether we pollute or recycle", Charlie Dale 5th Class
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