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Last door / advent calendar | Guest editors blog
Last door / advent calendar

Last door / advent calendar
The image is from Naomi Drapers residency in a Reggio inspired creche in County Roscommon which she held as part of Roscommon Co Co´s Arts at work program. Naomi is one of many artists I crossed paths with and would have loved to interview as part of the editorship, but then time and capacities ran out! I would have also loved to write about Margrit Gysin- a Swiss magician of puppetry who wore a golden walnut as an earring the first time I met her when being student at the Bochum puppet school, interviewed Stefan and Daniela - the sound artists who produced the film featured earlier this month- about rubber band and balloon music, heard from Lisa Remmert from German Kumulus Theater about the devising process of her Early Years show MURMELN (Marbles), and talked to many, many more inspiring people around. For me the advent blog was a great opportunity to ask questions I´ve always wanted to ask but also realize that there´ s questions I never knew I would be excited about! And most of all to see how many amazing projects and approaches are hovering out there and all around me. I hope that the advent posts and the insights they gave were inspiring or delightful also for the readers and hope that there´s been doors opening beyond these twenty –four.
Happy new Year!
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