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Door fourteen / advent calendar | Guest editors blog
Door fourteen / advent calendar

This is the decorated door of a live advent calendar in some community in the north of Germany. "Live advent calendars" have literally sprang to life all across the country. The core idea is the same everywhere: Each evening at a certain time people gather at a door or window for a little happening to enjoy together. Sometimes a community, parish or neighbourhood is initiator and coordinator of the contributions, sometimes artists or cultural institutions. Often, anybody is invited to just decorate their private window or door and contribute. Information on the days ‘place to gather are shared through the internet or local newspapers. In Bonn, a "cultural advent calendar" saw people gathering in front of shop windows for miniature operas or monologues on soup, in Potsdam I read bubble performances and shadow theatre are part of the events, and in Dresden there’s interactive workshops (paint your own T-shirt) or a torch-lit- punch and baked apple picnic. In Tuebingen, the town theatre LTT (Landestheater Tübingen) hosts a series of performances: They installed a christmassy living room in the theatres hall- with tree and sofa and heavy carpets. Children and adults gather for a performance every eve at 6pm: one of the ensembles actors reading their favourite Christmas tale, local musicians singing English and Irish carols or the youth theatre club presenting a theatre play. I think it’s a great way to bring communities together and have some fun- worth to be copied and multiplied!
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