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Day 1 - My Initial Response | Perspective:Change
Day 1 - My Initial Response
After leaving the classroom, I returned to my studio to find shadows leaping across the walls. I recorded these. I began to take photographs of the mountains outside the studio which appear, fade, darken, lighten, de-saturate and saturate depending on the weather. I took photographs also of the condensation obscuring and revealing the landscape beyond the window.
This is the start of recording change; creating an archive of change in over time in this particular place. I`m not sure yet, what is to become of it or grow from it! I`m freeing up a third day, beyond the residency, to concentrate on this in a studio capacity.
At the same time, I began to construct. Thinking of the mountains that I pass on a daily basis, how they fold, crease, drop, glide, how the light changes their aspect. Using paper mostly, this was an exploration of materials and ideas toward next Thursday.
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