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Response to Mamó na Mara’s watery stories | A Year’s Practice
Response to Mamó na Mara’s watery stories

At the waterways Centre during the Tall ships Festival Mamó na Mara told how she was formerly a mermaid who went astray when the grand canal was first built in the 1800s. Her journey through the canals was enlivened by encounters with lots of animals (suggested by the children) until the Tuatha Dé Danann cast a spell on her at the well of knowledge at the source of the Shannon changing her into human form. Since then, in the hope of placating them and regaining her mermaid tail, she has toured the canals on a barge collecting stories from all the children she meets. Now her memory is beginning to fail her, so she likes nothing better than sitting down with a nice cup of canal-weed tea (lethal to humans but delicious to canalmaids) and meeting a group of imaginative human children who will collect story clues to jog her memory or tell her their own tales and imaginings about life on and in the canals.
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