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Some thoughts on a space

Just back from a Reconciliation forum hosted by the Department of Foreign Affairs at which there was a lot of discussion about art / cultural practice in this context.
A lot of these conversations and inputs in the cultural break- out session (including that of Jo Holmwood from Kidsown), spoke about the creation of a shared space being of primary importance to engage in creative practice. It was great to hear this, as is not a shared definition of what this space is, the bedrock for the work that ensues? We not only need agreement of what both the artistic / aesthetic aims are? But also the parameters, relationships, and roles between all partners / stakeholders involved (be they schools, artists, youth workers, creche managers, arts organisations, or indeed the young person) to be agreed to allow the work to begin.
Also at the session, the importance of bringing in expertise in arts practice was talked about, this also is important. For me it is the space between the expertises where great collaborations and a clear space is made. This is back to some of the points being made in response to my opening thoughts that this space need also be a space of learning for all concerned.

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