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But what has this got to do with the Kids Own Project? | Fabricate
But what has this got to do with the Kids Own Project?
I found myself browsing through the bookshelves in Hodges & Figgis the other day and decided to actually buy and read the two books on climate change and environment which have been sitting around since the beginning of time. i.e James Lovelock The Revenge of Gaia and E.F Schumacher small is beautiful a study of economics as if people mattered.( But I thought to begin at the begin should be important?) Georges Monbiot`s Heat makes for seriously good reading on what we should and have to do and quickly! I recommend.
In my research I`ve come across Transition Towns who are an engaged group working from an active community base responding positively and creatively to the twin challenges of Peak oil and Climate change.
So what has all this got to do with the Kids Own Project The Nature of Sligo? Just about everything in my view!
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