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Day 19 Hospital D | Puppet Portal Project - hospital D
Day 19 Hospital D
Still due to infection control the classroom was closed for children. I had thought of & prepared ways to still involve children in a collaborative action of art making- keeping in mind that I need the full support of the teachers who see the children on the wards.
The anticipated activity was to link the puppet making to the overall theme , the element of air, by adding postcards to the puppet making kits, written by a fictive character from the land of Air who, in return, encouraged the child/ puppet to write one or two sentences about what their puppet liked doing in that land of Air. I had hoped to collect a few inspirations and bring them together in shape of a small story, drawing or other which again would reach each one of them with another postcard at the end of the day.
This however turned out to be not possible. However I unexpectedly received permission to see a boy with severe special needs on the ward and work with him- as he is currently waiting for a place in a special care residential place and there s no reason for him to be in hospital other than waiting. I grabbed one of the making kits and threw all my other ideas out of the window. Responding to his special needs- as he is immobile in a wheelchair, does not speak and lost sight as well, all over the last two years following an infection, the activity became much more story based and tactile as well.
I also then worked with two other children on the same ward (once I was up there this was possible ), making puppets and returned to the classroom for a Link up with Hospital A- they had created a sunny, fiery place ,threatened by draught and hunger - the characters met up with a quickly improvised character from Airland.
Orla from kidsown was in to do interviews and for a documentation on the project, it was great to share the work. I also talked to the PR person from the Hospital about mute screenings of children �s puppet videos which we had planned for the A&E reception area, there are still some technical difficulties which are being worked on but the idea has very positive feedback and the films will be up as soon as possible.
I am very glad that I was given the opportunity to work with some children on the wards, and hope that maybe for the final week I may be able to work in the classroom again!
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