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Day 17 - Land of Fire - performing in front of projections | Puppet Portal Project - Hospital A
Day 17 - Land of Fire - performing in front of projections

In the afternoon. we made a video using projected drawings and backdrops. Only this week, they were projected via the digital projector, not the overhead. I took photos of their work and then uploaded them onto the computer. The children were so delighted to see their images blown up big.
This again is projected onto the window, where passer-bys can watch.
We had 3-4 children taking part in a lovely story, which I videoed in parts. I`ll try to upload it here when it is edited.
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- Puppet Portal Project - Creative Outcomes and Learning from Phase 1
- Infant Imaginings Further Development
- Puppet Portal Project - Hospital A
- Infant Imaginings
- Puppet Stages and Theatre Boxes used to Frame the Video Link
- PPP Outcomes: Anna Rosenfelder`s Puppet Making Kit
- PPP Outcomes:Anna Rosenfelder`s Puppet Making Kit, How to Make a Puppet- Image
- PPP Outcomes: Anna Rosenfelder`s Puppet Making Kit, Variety of Materials Used- Image
- Visit to Ballymote Health Centre
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