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Puppet Portal Hospital C Day 16

We returned after the Halloween break with a new set of themes ` The 4 Elements`.

To develop the story telling experience and the virtual link ups, the puppet shows will presented in the format of a journey, the destination points of which are the worlds of the other hospitals e.g. puppets from Waterland (Hospital A) and puppets of Fireland (Hospital C) will travel to meet each other. Both hospital groups perform their story in turn, ending at a physical door they have created. Through the door they meet and exchange `treasures` they have found enroute with the help of a guide/guardian/companion in the form of a bird (there are 4 identical birds in each hospital).  After the performances, each group plots the route of their journey on a paper-collage map, including points of interest they encountered on their travels. 

By the end of the 4 weeks there will be 16 stories/shows with puppets and props inspired by each of the 4 elements and 16 sections of map, 4 in each `elemental` area. The map sections will be combined and one gigantic map will be scanned and printed in one piece as a souvenir of the experience for each hospital.

There may be a potential to develop the map as a `choose your ending` storybook with still shots from the shows or as a board game.

The idea was the outcome of a day long creative exchange between the artists.  There is a lot involved but the structure aims to be loose to facilitate development of creativity in the stories and shows. The trick is managing to explain this well to children. Today we got the story together but in terms of facilitating total understanding, I think I need to develop a few more teaching tools to visually explain whats going on.  I think the maps from today will be a big help.

A further complication is the impact of the H1N1 flu which means one of the artists today could not attend her hospital school as usual because the children are being tutored individually by their bedsides there to prevent spread.  However, Anna did accomodate the virtual link up with us by preparing a Waterworld complete with props and puppet herself from her own studio.  This is where the technology demonstrates how it can rise to the challenges hospital schools face and I think the need for adaptability will inspire further development in that area.

This situation, and the fact that there is at least one case I know of H1N1 being treated in my hospital (patient in strict isolation at present), brought to my attention the health implications of working in this environment for myself and my responsibility to other groups I work and interact with outside of here. On talking to the hospital school staff, we agreed to reassess the situation from week to week and they gave me a lot of information about the flu.  It was also an opportunity to reaffirm how best to acquire, use and dispose of materials and general best practice for interaction with illness in general.  The whole thing has been a good reality check where I am imagining myself with the possibility of developing an illness; what are the precautions I want to take and how do I want to be sickness and in health. More motivation than ever to try to provide positive experiences for others in healthcare settings - while looking after myself too I guess.

Back to the actual objective of the day: Our show today involved a dragon and a horse with wings journeying to a cave to find some treasure (gold) and bring it to the puppets at The Land of Water. The general verdict was `Fun` and our performance was videoed by a grandad who then performed a magic trick for us with the aid of his young apprentice. That was really fun!..Grandad was laughing at a grownup artist being a puppet and I could laugh at his trick - not the experience you expect in a hospital and all the better for it I think.  

And the first part of our map is gorgeous - I cant wait for the rest.


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