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Day 13 - Image and Text - Live Link, at the Market | Puppet Portal Project - Hospital A
Day 13 - Image and Text - Live Link, at the Market

I also thought the sock type puppets would suit the market stall sellers `song` and selling story.
One particular link-up with one girl`s puppet, Delila the sweet and biscuit seller, and the children in Hospital C, was magical. It was the first time the children in my hospital interacted with the link-up so spontaneously, completely in the world of the market stall play. One of the children in hospital C asked Delila the puppet for some money. The child operating Delila rant to the table grabbed some scissors, quickly sut some paper money, ran back to the puppet theatre stall, and pretended to give the puppet on the screen, 2 market stalls over to the right, the money! It was amazing. It is proof that our wallpaper screen truly encourages united spontaneous, imaginary play and performance, over 300km away! A true community of collaborative storytellers!
Unfortunately no projector today, but we will definitely have it every day over the next few weeks.
I am excited about the layering possibilities of creating scenery in the window, similar to the staff room, layered acetate collage that stands as a work in progress in the staff room. Pics next week hopefully.
Photo by Karen Tierney.
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- Puppet Portal Project - Creative Outcomes and Learning from Phase 1
- Infant Imaginings Further Development
- Puppet Portal Project - Hospital A
- Infant Imaginings
- Puppet Stages and Theatre Boxes used to Frame the Video Link
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- PPP Outcomes:Anna Rosenfelder`s Puppet Making Kit, How to Make a Puppet- Image
- PPP Outcomes: Anna Rosenfelder`s Puppet Making Kit, Variety of Materials Used- Image
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