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Day 12 - Text and Photo - Working with the projector | Puppet Portal Project - Hospital A
Day 12 - Text and Photo - Working with the projector

We had use of the projector in the afternoon, after the link up. One of the children became very excited, and realised that she could create shadow puppetry in front of the projector. She proceeded to create an animation of a storm at sea, working with her Dad and Mum, and the fish she had created. This animation, being back projected onto the playroom window, could be seen by the passers-by in the hallway outside on the ward. It was lovely, once again to see families working so creatively together.
I was also delighted when the girl spontaneously discovered the shadow puppetry possibilities, without my guidance or prompting. The whole afternoon went in a completely different direction then I had planned, which offered a heightened sense of excitement, discovery, and achievement for the children and families involved.
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