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Day 11 - Image and text - the set | Puppet Portal Project - Hospital A
Day 11 - Image and text - the set

This week the theme was neighbors. After making the puppets, the children made a set piece: rooms in a house which their puppet characters shared. The image here is this set in progress being made one large piece of cardboard.
I had a planning chat online via Aiteile`s video link with Anna the night before to coordinate our link up for the next day. This was so useful, and such a meaningful demonstration to me how collaboration and dialogue with other artists to brainstorm and design and problem solve is such a joy. It so relieves the demanding chatter that fills your own head, chatter which can sometimes over complicate the task at hand. Thank you Anna!
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- Puppet Portal Project - Creative Outcomes and Learning from Phase 1
- Infant Imaginings Further Development
- Puppet Portal Project - Hospital A
- Infant Imaginings
- Puppet Stages and Theatre Boxes used to Frame the Video Link
- PPP Outcomes: Anna Rosenfelder`s Puppet Making Kit
- PPP Outcomes:Anna Rosenfelder`s Puppet Making Kit, How to Make a Puppet- Image
- PPP Outcomes: Anna Rosenfelder`s Puppet Making Kit, Variety of Materials Used- Image
- Visit to Ballymote Health Centre
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