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time, growth and potatoes | Further Afield - Ann Henderson
time, growth and potatoes

The pupils had been growing cress seed and keeping individual visual diaries recording the daily changes.
This involved initial group discussion as to what a diary can be ( a conscious lead in to their online journal participation the next week). P2 as part of the undertaking had to first learn how to write the date in shortened form.
P2 were divided into 7 groups ( of 4 and 5 children) and each group was given a sheet of A3 paper and sticks of charcoal.
Each group was assigned a specific date and then asked to refer to the appropriate drawings within their individual cress diaries.
They were then given a period of time to talk and decide as a group how they would go about making one drawing representing their collective finds for their assigned date. After, they were given a period of time to draw together.
The image above shows the sequence of all seven images.
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