This research is to help us all to gain insight into the practice and processes of artists working with children and young people. Please try to blog on a regular basis and to be practical and specific in your content.
Why participate at
The following are suggestions as to the content of your project / programme blog:
- Planning – how it is structured, what it entails, who is involved
- Concept – how the work is developing; tracking the dialogue, thought processes, decisions, outcomes
- Difficulties – how they developed, how they were approached and resolved, if resolved
- Evaluation – how it is structured and implemented, what it entails, who is involved
- Learning – how your practice is developing, new insights and approaches to working with children and young people, solutions to arising problems
Terms and conditions for Blogging on
- You agree to write under your own name.
- You agree to write about your practice and processes on a regular basis.
- You agree to keep your writing relevant to the aims of; that is, to share practice and processes and therefore share learning toward the professional development of a community of practice.
- Please keep each entry to a approximately 200 words.
- Please do not upload images of children and young people without full consent from the children, their parents or guardians. When uploading images of children and young people please take care not to show children’s faces.
- You agree not to disclose sensitive or confidential information about your current project / programme and those involved in it within a blog post.
- You agree not to disclose any identifying information relating to any child or young person involved in the project, this includes but is not limited to the use of first and last names.
- You agree not to vent personal gripes or to personally attack individuals.
- While we encourage you to share the difficulties of your practice and process and of specific projects / programmes, please do so in a respectful way.
- Please ensure that those who are involved in your project / programme are aware that you are sharing your practice and processes on
- You agree not to post any material that is copyrighted unless
- you are the copyright owner,
- have the express, written permission of the copyright owner to post the copyrighted material on your blog, or
- are reasonably sure that the use of any copyrighted material conforms to the doctrine of “fair use.”
- You agree not to post any material that is obscene, defamatory, profane, libellous, threatening, harassing, abusive, hateful or embarrassing to another person or any other person or entity.