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Winged Beasts
Created 2009-04-14 by Anna Rosenfelder
Location: Sub-urban - Co. Dublin
Duration: 2009-04-14 to 2009-04-17

Project Outline
Winged beasts was an arts & nature easter camp at Airfield, an urban farm on the outskirts of Dublin, for children aged 5 to 8. Central to the workshop was drawing inspiration from Airfields beautiful gardens and the use of natural materials and found objects . The children created of all sorts of small-scale winged beasts and beatles: From clay and grass, stones and petals- natural materials found around the gardens and farms. They made their own winged creature costumes, scaled down images of the children in their winged costumes were taken and inserted into photos taken of their favourite places in the gardens. These creative activities facilitated by the artist took turns with storytelling, games and outdoors explorations- some of it was facilitated by Airfield�s experienced staff of beekeepers & gardeners . At the final day, parents and siblings were invited to an exhibition of the created photographs and the children�s artworks, the exibition was set up by the children themselves, who had invented storie around their creatures. They performed a dance in their costumes as well.
Project Details
- Location: Sub-urban
- From date: 2009-04-14
- To date: 2009-04-17
- Length: 4 days, 4 h a day
- Participants per session: 17
- Participants in total: 17
- Contact hours: 16
- Age range of participants:
8-11, 5-7 - County(ies):
Dublin - Related Organisation(s):
Airfield (
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