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Winter Woodland Creatures
Created 2008-11-29 by Anna Rosenfelder
Location: Rural - Co. Wicklow
Duration: 2008-11-29 to 2008-11-29

Project Outline
An atmospheric workshop for little children aged 2-4 and their parents/guardian. Treasuring each child`s imagination, I led the children and parents on an enchanting walk through the woodlands of Killruddery, back in the studio each child created their own magical woodland creature from materials collected outdoors. The workshop provided precious family time before the busy Christmas period. The workshop was especially devised for the Killruddery Arts Children�s Creative Advent Workshops programme, a three sessions- event. In "I sleep in the garden" , facilitated by Jennie Moran, children designed a unique pillowcase which reminded them of sleeping in the garden,"Advent Lights" was a fun, creative and practical workshop for young people which focused on producing a light for Christmas, using recycled materials found on a walk through the farm at Killruddery ;facilited by designer Sasha Sykes of Farm21. KILLRUDDERY ARTS: Killruddery Arts was established in 2006 to promote cultural activity as a tool for exchange between the public and the the historic house and gardens. The new initiative aims to build on the long tradition of arts at Killruddery by delivering a contemporary programme that reflects and energises the heritage of the unique location.
Project Details
- Location: Rural
- From date: 2008-11-29
- To date: 2008-11-29
- Length: 2.00 p.m. - 5.00 p.m.
- Participants per session: 20
- Participants in total: 20
- Contact hours: 3
- Age range of participants:
Infants and parents 0-3, 3-5 - County(ies):
Wicklow - Related Organisation(s):
Killruddery Arts ( - Other Related Artists:
Jennie Moran, Sasha Sykes
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