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  • Anna Rosenfelder
  • Islands- towards theatre for the little ones

    Created 2009-07-20 by Anna Rosenfelder

    Location: Urban - Co. Wicklow

    Duration: 2009-07-20 to 2009-07-25

Project Outline

ISLANDS is a three session multidisciplinary arts workshop for children aged 2-4, accompanied by a parent/ guardian. Accompanied by live music, we will create and explore a world of islands- though story spinning and sculpting, play and movement.

Before, during and after the sessions, the artists will, in collaboration with a musician, explore the possibility of a theatrical experience for under four�s in a studio setting. The progress of both experiences will inform and inspire each other, and at the last day will merge in shape of a small theatrical performance for the participants and their friends.  

The workshop is hosted as part of the Mermaid Art centre�s summer programme. It is an important stepping stone in the ongoing exploration of working with and for children under four, supported through an Arts Council�s Bursary.  It is part of the process-led development of Theater Papilios next production, a theatre experience for the little ones. 


Project Details

  • Location: Urban
  • From date: 2009-07-20
  • To date: 2009-07-25
  • Length: One week
  • Participants in total: about 18 (including parents)
  • Contact hours: 4,5 (1,5 hours a day)
  • Age range of participants:
    Infants and parents 0-3, 3-5
  • County(ies):
  • Related Organisation(s):
    Mermaid Arts Centre
  • Other Related Artists:
    Eoin O�Brien (musician)

Project Posts

  • Before the show | Anna

    Children and parents exploring the set up at the last day of a three sessional...
  • whale island | Anna

    A scene from a performance which was created for children aged 2 to 4, responding to a...
  • Stepping stones | Anna

    The set up of a multidisciplinary workshop about ISLANDS : three island where created...
  • Jelly Dance | Anna

    The Jelly dance had been sung and danced throughout the workshop. Each child had made a...