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  • Roisin Markham
  • Wexford County Libraries SRC

    Created 2013-07-15 by Roisin Markham

    Location: Urban, Town - Co. Wexford

    Duration: 2013-07-15 to 2013-08-09

Project Outline

Wexford County Public Library Summer Reading challenge creative workshops

Delighted to have completed creative workshops in all five Wexford County Libraries.

I programed a complimentary creative arts and making for Wexford Public Libraries to compliment The Creepy House Summer Reading Challenge. Linking creative arts, craft, making, thinking, connecting and having fun to the reading, books and theme.

The workshops are developed around The Creepy House Campaign, linking up ideas, illustrative branding and reading six books. The workshops explore a creative idea that can be linked to participating in the summer reading program drawing out creative expression with art materials and word craft. 

The workshops are devised and offered for facilitation in a child centred approach to spiral learning, creative exploration and self expression. They aim to celebrate participation, reading, the book, story, characters, words and illustrations. Encouraging the child at their own pace to explore beyond reading through creative thinking, expressing themselves in a visual and verbal way to create a piece of art, object or writing and allowing them to share the outcome. The process of bringing reading and story further reinforces the value of reading and creative thinking skills. 
The workshops can be offered as a way to create and maintain interest and emphasising positive values of being involved with the Public Library reading program in County Wexford.

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Photos from all 7 workshops can be found on @CreativeDynamix creativity in context Facebook page

Yes permission was given by all parents.

Project Details

  • Location: Urban, Town
  • From date: 2013-07-15
  • To date: 2013-08-09
  • Length: 6 weeks
  • Participants per session: 9-28
  • Participants in total: 300
  • Contact hours: 16
  • Age range of participants:
    3-5, 5-7, 8-11, 12-14
  • County(ies):
  • Related Organisation(s):
    Wexford County Public Libraries

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