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Nutgrove youth Artist in Residency program
Created 2012-09-16 by Caroline Lynch
Duration: 2012-09-16 to 2013-06-30

Project Outline
Between September 2012 and June 2013 Caroline Lynch will be working with the youths from the Nutgrove Youth Centre on an Artist in Residency Program. This is a new departure for the Dundrum Rathdown Youth Service, as up to this they have simply incorporated art into their programs but not had it running as an seperate independant entity.
For the duration of this project Caroline will be working with five groups of young people. Each group is limited to a maximum of five members to ensure a high quailty of interaction and engagment between the Artist and the young people. Alongside the collobrative element of this Art in Residency program there is space for the artist to research and develop ideas and the best approaches to collabrating with young people.
As this is the innitial stage of this residency I am still exploring the best way to move forward to ensure everyone envolved (youths, youth workers and myself) get the most out of this engagment.
This Residency will be regularly updated and can be followed on twitter @ caroline youth arts or as a blog @
Project Details
- From date: 2012-09-16
- To date: 2013-06-30
- Participants per session: 3-5
- Participants in total: 20 -25
- Contact hours: 400
- Age range of participants:
15-18, 12-14, 8-11 - County(ies):
Dublin - Related Organisation(s):
Dundrum Rathdown Youth service, CYC - Funding Bodies:
Dundrum Rathdown Youth Service, CYC
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