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  • vanya lambrecht ward
  • Making Homes and building places

    Created 2010-11-04 by vanya lambrecht ward

    Location: Rural - Co. Sligo

    Duration: 2010-11-04 to 2011-02-25

Project Outline

Project Outline:


The Project  will be centred around the idea of the house or the home. Not necessarily the homes the kids live in but perhaps would like to live in.  The children will be working around the ideas of what is important to have in a house and in the area (community of landscape) and what they would like, not in terms of riches but their individual idea of a home and community.


The Houses that we will be building can be outrageous or small and simple, they can be boats, tents, towers and castles or a lovely little terrace house; it can be what they would like them to be.

With the finished homes we can build a village which can be shown as a little exhibition for other classes, staff and parents.


We will be using card, tape, paper and other (dry recyclable) materials (rough size 10� square).

adding colour, the rooms with paper and glue and other colouring methods. Furniture or other elements can be made from cut-outs from their own drawings and colouring.


This project is transferable to most levels of capability really; there is no right or wrong way of doing this. The involvement and thinking spatially about something unique to the children yet being involved together will hopefully be a rich and for filling experience.


Every week will start with a small �discussion� about what we might have discovered since the last time or ideas that might come in handy. (For both individual houses and the village as a whole)


Throughout the project we can take photographs and perhaps keep a group journal which we can use for ideas and all the things we might come up with that are important to remember. (and which can show the process as a whole as part of the little exhibit)

Project Details

  • Location: Rural
  • From date: 2010-11-04
  • To date: 2011-02-25
  • Length: one hour per class every two weeks times 9 classes
  • Participants per session: 20 -30
  • Participants in total: 233
  • Contact hours: 54+
  • Age range of participants:
    8-11, 5-7, 3-5
  • County(ies):

Project Posts

  • sketches | vanya

    the first sessions for each class were to help sketch out ideas. the reason why we stayed...
  • sketches II | vanya

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  • prelimenairy ideas | vanya

    in order to give the school/ principle some idea of what would be a possibility for a...
  • prelimenairy ideas II | vanya

    another sketch for the prelimenairy planning of the project...