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Jerpoint Barn Creative Summer School
Created 2010-08-17 by Anna Rosenfelder
Location: Rural - Co. Kilkenny
Duration: 2010-08-17 to 2010-08-21

Project Outline
The annual Jerpoint Barn Creative Summer School combines arts and nature experiences in the beautiful rural setting of a restored barn and surrounding fields , gardens and farmland.
Initiated, devised and facilitated by JETSAM - a collaboration of visual artist Jana Zitzmann and puppeteer Anna Rosenfelder- the camps offer space and time for the artists to explore and try out innovative and playful ways of working with children whilst sharing their arts practice and skills. Themes of the camps vary each year-previous were Midsummernightsdream (with a focus on mask- and instrument making) and "journey to Salufi" (a wonderland invented with the children, which was inhabitatd by strange and fantastic creatures).
This year, Jetsam received Funding through the Kilkenny Arts Office, to support the further development of the arts camp through collaboration with a local musician. The source of inspiration is tiny:
"INSECTS are fascinating creatures - if they weren�t so small, they could easily be mistaken for strange aliens from another planet! We will spend five fun-filled days with the Making of big outdoor sculptures using willow and found grasses and branches, durable tissue paper and natural materials which we will gather in the beautiful Jerpoint gardens. Walks through the fields, explorations of the Herb gardens and a final art-feast where we will picnic, make our own music and celebrate our creations will make this an unforgettable highlight at the end of this summer!"
Project Details
- Location: Rural
- From date: 2010-08-17
- To date: 2010-08-21
- Length: 5 days
- Participants per session: 30
- Participants in total: 15
- Contact hours: 18
- Age range of participants:
12-14, 8-11, 5-7 - County(ies):
Kilkenny - Related Organisation(s):
Camphill Community Jerpoint, Camphill Community Jerpoint, Jetsam - Funding Bodies:
Kilkenny Arts Office, Kilkenny Arts Office - Other Related Artists:
Jana Zitzmann, Jens Ludwig
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