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Christmas Elves Family Workshop
Created 2009-12-12 by Anna Rosenfelder
Location: Sub-urban - Co. Dublin
Duration: 2009-12-12 to 2009-12-12

Project Outline
The Christmas Elves Family workshops are an annual advent event at the Draiocht Arts centre. Children will make their very own Christmas Elf puppet, accompanied by an adult.
Project Details
- Location: Sub-urban
- From date: 2009-12-12
- To date: 2009-12-12
- Length: 2 workshops, 2 hours each
- Participants per session: 30 children & 30 adults
- Participants in total: 15 children, each accompanied by an adult
- Contact hours: 4
- Age range of participants:
8-11, 5-7, 3-5 - County(ies):
Dublin - Related Organisation(s):
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