The Arts in Education Portal Editorial Committee are delighted to announce the full programme for the Arts in Education Portal National Day, which takes place on Saturday 23rd April, 10am-4.30pm at the Irish Museum of Modern Art (North Range).
Following an open call for submissions, the programme has been finalised and comprises a full schedule of presentations and workshops representing a wide range of art forms, perspectives and approaches from practitioners and projects all across Ireland.
This is the inaugural Arts in Education Portal National Day and marks the first year of the Portal, which launched in May 2015 and provides an exciting opportunity for members of the arts in education community from all across Ireland to share, learn, talk, network, get inspired, and continue building a strong infrastructure that supports quality arts in education practice in Ireland. The day is open to teachers, artists and all professionals who are interested in arts in education at any level.
Click here to view the full programme...
Click here to book your free place now!
(Workshop places can be booked on the day, but for some sessions capacity is limited, so we recommend you come early to secure your place and avoid disappointment. Registration will be open from 9.15am)
Image credit: Children from Gaelscoil Uí Fhiaich, taking part in a dance-artist-in-residence programme with dance artist Lisa Cahill, co-ordinated by Froebel Department of Primary & Early Childhood Education. (c) Eric Molimard.