WHAT (Waterford Healing Arts Trust) invites applications from artists of all arts disciplines for a six month residency based at University Hospital Waterford. This year, the focus of this residency will be the artist’s engagement with patients in University Hospital Waterford in participatory / collaborative arts experiences.
WHAT has been running an Artist in Residence programme since 1994 as a means of engaging hospital users in contemporary arts practice and offering opportunities to emerging artists for professional development within a healthcare context.
The successful artist will receive a studio space for a six month period in the WHAT Centre for Arts and Health, a bursary and support from WHAT staff.
The closing date for applications is Thursday, 31 March 2016 at 2pm.
This residency is funded by the Arts Council.
For further details and application requirements please download here.
For further information on WHAT, see www.waterfordhealingarts.com.
Contact 051 842664 or email WHAT@hse.ie if you have specific queries.
Image caption: Video still from ‘Done Undone’ by John Conway.