Best, next and radical practice in participatory arts is the theme of the third International Teaching Artist Conference (ITAC3), taking place in Edinburgh, 3-5 August 2016.
The ITAC3 Conference brings together artists, organisations, funders and researchers from all over the world to explore key issues relating to participatory arts practice through an inspiring mix of curated conversations, practical workshops, keynote speeches, seminars and round-table discussions. Confirmed speakers include 2015 Turner Prize winning artist collective Assemble and internationally renowned choreographer Royston Maldoom.
The ITAC3 Programme Committee is seeking proposals from the global community that reflect the best thinking and practice in participatory arts / teaching artistry informed by theory, research, and projects in the field. We particularly welcome proposals working in digital arts and literature and from artists from developing countries.
Session themes / topics
The committee invites proposals that seek to present best, next and radical practice, through presentation, papers and or practical sessions and approaches. Conference sessions/ presentations (of between 20 and 90 minutes) should encourage critical reflection and hands-on exploration in response to the three conference questions:
• How can we collectively strengthen support for artists working with people?
• How is participatory arts practice evolving to meet the challenges of the 21st century?
• What can the world learn from radical approaches to socially engaged art-making?
Session formats
Proposals can take the form of:
• Practical workshops
• Research papers
• Round table /panel discussions
• Ted style talks
• Short films
More information and submitting a proposal
For more information and details of how to submit a proposal see the Call for Proposals page here. Please note the closing date for proposals is Monday 22 February 2016.
Advance booking for ITAC3 is now open. Book here.
To ensure you are kept informed of all conference news and developments please join the mailing list.