Deadline for submissions: Monday 9th September, 5pm!
Do you want to be part of an exhibition showcasing the best of Irish art practice with children and young people? Do you want to be part of a national conversation alongside other artists? Do you want your voice to be heard in developing and shaping this practice in Ireland?
Practice.ie is delighted to announce its first national exhibition and event tour in 2014, funded by the Arts Council’s Touring Award. The exhibition will tour to three national venues: West Cork Arts Centre, Skibbereen; axis: Ballymun; and The Model: Sligo. The Practice.ie Tour represents a brand new opportunity to showcase the very best arts practice with children and young people in Ireland through a professionally curated touring exhibition, and to profile the professional practice of artists whose work is informed by, and feeds into, their engagement with children and young people. The tour aims to develop a national conversation that interrogates the connection between an artist’s solo practice and their work with children and young people. This exhibition will also be a catalyst for growing arts practice with children in Ireland through workshops, professional development events, and engagement with art students in each tour locality.
Who is eligible to submit work?
Professional artists who are engaged in collaborative practice with children and whose solo work is strongly informed by, and feeds into this collaborative practice.
In showcasing the breadth of contemporary practice with children and young people, this opportunity is open to all art forms.
Submissions should include:
• Images of current work made in collaboration with children (made in the last 2 years);
• Relevant examples of your solo practice, where informed by, or feeding into your work with children;
• (Please submit these as digital images. All images submitted must have relevant consent. Submissions should be limited to no more than two bodies of work, and no more than 10 images per body of work.)
• An outline or explanation of the creative processes or line of enquiry that informed the creation of the work - as well as practical details about the project;
• Short statement outlining your approach to working with children & young people;
• Up to date CV
Preference will be given to artists who are members of Practice.ie. Upload your submission to your profile on Practice.ie, and direct us to the link, or send submissions by email to info@kidsown.ie
For enquiries relating to submissions call: 07191-24945. Deadline for Submissions: 5pm Monday 9th September 2013