Kids’ Own is working in partnership with Kildare Arts Office to deliver two events for artists in November:
Peer-to-Peer Artists Day
Supported by Kildare Arts Office, Practice.ie is hosting a unique event for artists who work with children and young people, which will provide an opportunity for peer-to-peer exchange and skills sharing. This event will take place on Saturday 24th November and is open to all artists whose practice involves children and young people. Places will be limited so artists interested in attending should contact us at the Practice.ie office or call us on 0719124945.
Artists’ Hub - Kildare
We are also working with Kildare Arts Office to develop a local hub for artists in the early stages of their career who are interested in developing their practice with children and young people. Artists who would like to be part of this regular meeting group, should contact Eoghan Doyle, Assistant Arts Officer at Kildare on ekdoyle@kildarecoco.ie or call 045-448326. The first meeting is scheduled to take place on Thursday 8th November and will be hosted by Practice.ie.