Bluebell Youth Project and Common Ground in partnership have announced a call for applications for a visual arts residency. The residency is the first phase in Bluebell Youth Project’s commitment to embed arts in its practice with young people. It will be based in the newly established youth centre in Dublin 12.
Artists are invited to submit proposals (individual or cross-disciplinary team) that demonstrate a commitment to the development of both the youth work team and the children and young people during the residency. A fee of €5,000 and a purpose-built art space is on offer.
Artists are required to take part in an ongoing evaluation and review process. The proposed residency is from a period of September to December 2012.
Deadline for submissions is August 16th.
For more information or to obtain a brief e-mail alive@commonground.ie
Image from the application form, from BluebellOpen Day Youth Project 2012.