We’re delighted to announce Orla Kenny as our Guest Editor for April-May. Orla Kenny is a visual artist and the Creative Director of Kids’ Own Publishing Partnership.
Orla Kenny will be exploring the importance of the professional within arts practice with children and young people. Through the guest editorship Orla will be paying particular attention to arts practice in schools.
Orla would be keen to hear from artists that are working in this context in order to highlight the current practice-taking place within this sector.
Her guest editorship will be for artists and any organisations that currently work with artists or are thinking about employing artists to work with children and young people.
In her role as Director of Kids’ Own Orla is committed to providing, supporting and advocating for content rich arts experiences for and with children and young people. Her role as Creative Director is to raise the profile of the creative abilities of children and young people to a wider audience and to ensure a quality, open and equal relationship between professional artists and children working in collaboration together. Orla developed Practice.ie in 2008 as a space to make visible arts practice with children in Ireland and to celebrate the range and breadth of approaches taken by professional artists working across different contexts with children and young people.