Practice.ie is looking for the most prolific and active members to highlight their activity in our new bimonthly online item, Practice: Featured.
Every two months Practice.ie will do a feature on an individual or group member. The featured member will be selected from Practice.ie members based on their activity on the Practice website. This can be through blog-posts, following members, engaging in discussion on articles or interacting with Practice.ie on social media.
The featured member will have their posts publicized on the Practice.ie homepage at the end of each 2-month period, and will have a brief feature written on their work by Practice.ie. They will also receive a copy of the current issue of the Practice Journal, and will have an opportunity to have their work featured in the next issue later this year.
Every two months the Practice.ie team will select the featured member.
The five most active members will form a shortlist. The site and social media pages will be monitored to track activity.