Talk and workshop on a collaborative approach with storyteller Fiona Dowling and musician Caoimhe Conlon
Date: Saturday March 3rd
Time: 2 – 5pm
Cost: €20 euro (includes resources)
Place: WHAT Centre for Arts & Health, Waterford Regional Hospital
Helium in partnership with Waterford Healing Arts Trust presents a talk and workshop with artists Caoimhe Conlon (Musician) of Music Alive and Fiona Dowling (Storyteller) at the WHAT Centre for Arts & Health, Waterford Regional Hospital.
Caoimhe and Fiona will be talking about their recent 6 month collaboration together on the Scales and Tales Project in Cork University Hospital and reflecting on their learnings and methods. For further information on the Scales and Tales Project please see Helium’s Blog here.
The talk will be followed by a practical workshop based on their devised, collaborative approach.
This workshop is open to musicians and storytellers with some experience in participatory and/or collaborative arts practice, preferably with children and young people and/or in arts and health.
Interestd parties must fill out an application form and apply to take part in the workshops. Deadline for all applications is 5pm on Thursday, February 16th.
For an application form, further information, and bookings, please contact Waterford Healing Arts Trust: E: what@hse.ie | T: 051 842664
Successful applicants will be notified by Monday, Feb, 20th.