NYCI Seeks Youth Arts Project Officer
National Youth Council of Ireland wishes to recruit a Youth Arts Project Officer. The Youth Arts Programme is an initiative of the National Youth Council of Ireland and is partner funded by the Arts Council and The Department of Children and Youth Affairs. The Programme is dedicated to the development and advancement of youth arts in Ireland. It aims specifically to realise the creative potential of young people through good quality arts practice within youth organisations and to develop appropriate policies and activities at local, regional and national level.
Salary Scale: Project Officer Grade 1 – E32,179 – E51,054 pro rata.
For a job description, person specification and application form, please contact Lisa Hyland at lisa.hyland@nyci.ie or by telephone at 01 4784122.
Please send Application Form & cover letter to: Lisa Hyland, Administrative Manager, National Youth Council of Ireland, 3 Montague St., Dublin 2.
Or by email to: lisa.hyland@nyci.ie
Further information available on www.youtharts.ie/job.
The closing date for receipt of applications is 4pm, Thursday 13 October 2011.
Interviews will be held in the week of 24 October 2011.
The National Youth Council of Ireland is an equal opportunities employer.