We are delighted to announce Romanian artist Corina Chiran as our Guest Editor for August & September. Corina is from a performance background having attended the Theatre University in Romania. Her first experience of working with children was as a translator for Irish storyteller Joe Brennan, who was in Romania for a children’s theatre festival. After working with Joe in a Romanian kindergarten Corina began her own practice working with early years children. Currently, she works in 2 private kindergartens in Bucharest where she leads original workshops in artistic improvisation for 2 to 6 year olds.
Corina has written two books of Romanian poems for children and created and developed a theatre performance for 0-3 year-old-children with Cliodhna Noonan, which was produced by Ion Creanga Theatre, Bucharest, in May 2009.
Corina’s work was featured in a photo essay by Helene Hugel as part of her Guest Editorship in Nov-Dec 2010. Follow this link to see this essay.