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Professional Learning Day_Young Makers Launch_DUBLIN
Created 2012-05-03 by Team
Location: No Grants Gallery, Temple Bar - Co. Dublin
Duration: 2012-05-03 to 2012-05-03

Project Outline
In conjunction with the launch of Young Makers at the No Grants Gallery, Temple Bar (the final leg of the Young Makers tour) and in partnership with Temple Bar Cultural Trust, facilitated a professional learning session with artists who work with children and young people.
Find out more about the session in the posts below.
There has been a tremendous response to our professiional learning days, and we look forward to continuing some of the conversations that have emerged.
Project Details
- Location: No Grants Gallery, Temple Bar
- From date: 2012-05-03
- To date: 2012-05-03
- Length: 1 day
- Participants in total: 15
- County(ies):
Dublin - Related Organisation(s):
Temple Bar Cultural Trust, - Related Artists:
Eoghan Doyle , Linda Sullivan , Deirdre Kelleghan , Annette Woolley
Project Posts
Practice Day_Dublin_ Group discussions |
2012-05-08We only had a small amount of time towards the end of the session to engage in group...
Group discussions_2 |
2012-05-08Group discussions:
How do you view the child?
How do you view your role...
Professsional Learning day with artists_DUBLIN | were delighted to deliver a third Professional Learning Day for artists...
Feedback |
2012-05-08Some feedback from participants:
"Loved the framework; very practical; good...
Reflections of each other’s work |
2012-05-15After the Pecha Kucha presentations (in which each artist presented 10 images of their...
Why do I do what I do? |
2012-05-15As with our other Practice Days, we unleashed this question on participating artists....
How do we reflect? |
2012-05-15We spent quite a bit of time finding out from artists the different ways that they...