Verz's profile

Name: Re-Ink-Our-Nation
Organisation: Visual Artists Ireland Artists Network
Region: Antrim
Member since:06-06-2011
Last online:2011-06-06

We have been delivering graffiti and street art workshops all over Ireland for 10 years now. Often working with the socially excluded or those on the margins of society we have been able to give a voice to a broad cross-section of young people who may often be overlooked. Our artists have facilitated projects on racism, cultural identity, drug and alcohol awareness, anti-smoking,environmental issues and youth culture to name a few.
Professional Organisation
Visual Artists Ireland
Artists Network
Professional Statement
We aim to provide fun, creative workshops all over Ireland where the emphasis is on participation rather than artistsic ability. Our artists teach, personal, civic and environmental responsibility when it comes to creating graffiti and street art. Our workshops can raise self-esteem, teach team building and group decision making, life long learning opportunities as well as creating a sense of ownership of the finished art works.