sineadaldridge's profile

Name: Sinead Aldridge


Sligo Institute of Technology: Staff Fine Art

Sligo VEC.

Sligo Education Centre

Region: Sligo


Member since:2008-09-27

Last online:2013-05-14


MA in Visual Arts Practices :

BA Fine Art Painting Camberwell College London

� Her work is considered and astute,judiciously exploiting chance and design with a measured, self-critical eye, exploring ways of making marks, textures and forms that belies the attentiveness and concentration clearly involved� Aidan Dunne Irish Times 16th July 2004

Professional Organisation

Sligo Institute of Technology: Staff Fine Art

Sligo VEC.

Sligo Education Centre


Professional Statement

Place has always played an important part in my involvement with community. Usually its because I have lived in the area i.e the Maugherow project which was a wonderful experience in getting to know one�s neighbours and a deeper understanding of their landscape; a terrific chance to become engaged and contribute to ones community. The residency at the Maze with the Prison Art Foundation Belfast was a opportunity to work intensively with political prisoners and also to recall my own history and connectedness to place. Where I�m @ Project; engaged a group of teenagers from the Ursuline College Sligo with the spectrum of artistic practice and helped me communicate the many facets which I find myself involved in on a day to day basis. Are we there Yet? Project with Coolbock National School has offered me a chance to absorb myself in the beauty of the south Sligo area where I now live. At best there is always a two-way exchange of ideas; these communications are both challenging and absorbing. I believe strongly that art practice can make a strong impression on society and potentially can lead to significant change.

Media and techniques

Primary medium: Painting

Secondary medium: Drawing

Creative Context

Primary context: All contexts

Secondary context: Education


The Neuer Berliner Kunstverein (n.b.k.) Member : Visual Artists Ireland: Member