sheepischic's profile

Name: LeeAnn Sheehy
Organisation: Imaginosity is a childrens art museum, where we encourage parents and there children to enteract with all of the 14 exhibit areas. We also run art and drama workshops, looking a eco-friendly crafts and learning through art. We are a charity, non-profit organisation. So we fundraise for all of our art materials and exhibits.
Member since:2008-09-10
Last online:2008-09-10
Degree in textiles design, from the National College of Art and Design, after graduating in 2007 i spent a year painting pictures for people of their pets and also doing various other art related jobs. I started working in a childrens art museum in the sandyford beacon, imaginosity, I am a facilitator and help run art workshops for children ranging from 2-12.
Professional Organisation
Imaginosity is a childrens art museum, where we encourage parents and there children to enteract with all of the 14 exhibit areas. We also run art and drama workshops, looking a eco-friendly crafts and learning through art. We are a charity, non-profit organisation. So we fundraise for all of our art materials and exhibits.
.Professional Statement
We continously strive to encourage children and their parents to express themselves and learn through using their imagination and practical skills. Through creative and educational art workshops and
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