jennifer caffrey's profile

Name: Jennifer Caffrey
Member since:2008-09-09
Last online:2010-11-30
B.Des Craft NCAD in Ceramics. Graduated 2007
FAS Welding Course Nov `08 - April `09
Masters Art in Public, University of Ulster, Belfast Sep `09 - Jan `11
Summer School of Art, Kildare, Dunboyne, Allihies & Castletownbere 2003 - 2010
Professional Statement
I am currently completing a Masters in Art in Public in University of Ulster. Over the last 8 years I have worked collaboratively, taught in schools and run ambitious art projects for children. Throughout that time I have learned that teaching is about listening and being prepared for anything! I am interested in communities, networks, the everyday in public space. I believe everyone is a superhero, and has a gift.
I enjoy teaching, working with groups and other artists in ways that let peoples ideas grow and individual talents shine.