liadain's profile

Name: liadain butler
Organisation: Liadain De Buitlear Knitwear, Crafts Council of Ireland-on craftED education panel Member of Feltmakers of Ireland VEC Tutor,Kildare Panel of Community arts Facilatators, ABCE,Jigginstown,Naas
Member since:2011-03-03
Last online:2011-03-22
Trained in Fashion Knitwear and running my own label since 2002.Began teaching in 2008 with crafts council Crafts in the Classroom project and teaching Fetac modules in Kildare as part of Vec tutor Panel.Worked on projects with community groups of all ages over the last few years.Recently completed Community arts practice module in Fetac.
Strengths-Knitwear,Feltmaking,Leather,Fashion design,Textiles
Professional Organisation
Liadain De Buitlear Knitwear,
Crafts Council of Ireland-on craftED education panel
Member of Feltmakers of Ireland
VEC Tutor,Kildare
Panel of Community arts Facilatators, ABCE,Jigginstown,Naas
Professional Statement
My Aim is to explore a range of textile based craft processes with community groups of all ages.Through various projects allowing them a better understanding of a particular textile craft,and to encourage and nurture the process to produce work which the group can be proud of making.