Alison Glennie's profile

Name: Alison Glennie
British Actors Equity
Visual Artists Ireland (VAI)
Cork ETB
West Cork Education Centre
Cork Co Co Arts and Library Service
West Cork Art Centre
Clonakilty Community Arts Centre
Region: Cork
Member since:11-10-2014
Alison received her training at Arts Educational School in London. Her own early experiences of working in the industry as a child actor have enhanced her empathy for the young people that she works with today. She continues to work as a professional actor while facilitating drama workshops for all age groups,which include primary and post primary, in a multitude of settings.
‘STEPS’, a poetry film made in 2021, is Alison’s response to the global pandemic. It represents a distillation of the sensory experiences felt by an older citizen, after their world further contracts under lockdown. First published in Atticus Review. Official selection at Absurd Art House film festival (UK), REELpoetry/HoustonTX (USA) Vesuvius (Italy).
Alison is excited to be delivering several projects as part of the BLAST Arts-in-Education Residency Programme at primary and post primary schools in West Cork 2022-2024. We shall be exploring visual arts through the lens of drama. BLAST is managed by West Cork Education Centre and funded by the Department of Education and Creative Ireland. A short film ’Having a BLAST at Kilgarriffe National School’ is viewable on Alison’s Vimeo channel. It documents the hybrid approach she took in delivering the Blast programme.
The Shack, Clonakilty is a youth space supported by YMCA, Alison has delivered several summer programmes there. Additionally, she devised workshops for artists and arts workers through the National Youth Council of Ireland.
Professional Organisation
British Actors Equity
Visual Artists Ireland (VAI)
Cork ETB
West Cork Education Centre
Cork Co Co Arts and Library Service
West Cork Art Centre
Clonakilty Community Arts Centre
Professional Statement
Exploring creativity is crucial to self-development and realising individual potential. I have a particular interest in neurodiversity and am currently using digital technologies as a successful advocacy tool.