DanceTheatreIreland's profile

Name: Dance Theatre Ireland



Region: Dublin


Member since:12-20-2013


Dance Theatre of Ireland is a dynamic and multifaceted modern dance company directed by Robert Connor & Loretta Yurick. The company tours Ireland and abroad, and offers original shows, dance classes and workshops for adults, teens and children. Dance Theatre of Ireland’s Dance Performance Outreach Programme DANCE POP runs alongside our regular year-long dance classes, and gets people dancing as well as seeing dance. This highly successful and popular programme has had over 85,000 people participate to date.

Professional Organisation



Professional Statement

Dance Theatre of Ireland aims to give young people an exhilarating experience in dance, through dance Workshops which emphasise dance as a fun, physical, expressive social activity. Dance Theatre of Ireland are creative, talented artists skilled as teachers and performers to give classes and workshops which are tailored to each group and their interests and level of experience. We also aim to provide opportunities for people to see dance performance in its theatre setting. To this end, DANCE POP offers substantial group discounts for attending DTI performances in the theatre, followed by discussions with the performers.

Media and techniques

Primary medium: Dance

Secondary medium: Movement

Creative Context

Primary context: Education

Secondary context: Youth

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