Little Gem Puppets's profile

Name: Carmel Balfe


Little Gem Puppets, UNIMA Ireland, CRAFTed panel member, BLAST panel member


Region: Mayo


Member since:04-08-2013


Fine art textiles and printmaking is the point from which I started my creative journey. Following a strong interest in puppetry I moved on to study SFX and puppetry at IADT. From there I worked as a puppet maker and finally made the leap to performing with my puppets. I have been facilitating workshops in puppet making and puppeteering for almost twenty years now. My focus in workshops is in creative collaboration with the participants. I bring my building and puppeteering skills and the group informs the process.

Professional Organisation

Little Gem Puppets, UNIMA Ireland, CRAFTed panel member, BLAST panel member



Professional Statement

Little Gem Puppets engage with workshops that are creatively challenging for both themselves and the participants. Allowing the participants as much room as possible to develop creatively while exploring puppetry in a fun way that is fun while also developing a good skills base is the main aim in our workshops. We believe that there is a magic in puppetry and always look forward to an opportunity to find it.

Media and techniques

Primary medium: Drama

Secondary medium: Sculpture

Creative Context

Primary context: Community

Secondary context: Intercultural

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