Lucinda Jacob's profile

Name: Lucinda Jacob
Organisation: Filament Textile Arts Dun Laoghaire-Rathdown Artists Panel Dublin City Artists Panel Poetry Ireland Writers-in-Schools Scheme Children`s Books Ireland Feltmakers Ireland Irish Guild of Embroiderers
Member since:2010-04-14
Last online:2010-04-19
I am a writer and visual artist working mainly with textiles.
I studied English at third level and I have a City and Guilds Qualification in Design and Craft (Experimental Embroidery).
Professional Organisation
Filament Textile Arts
Dun Laoghaire-Rathdown Artists Panel
Dublin City Artists Panel
Poetry Ireland Writers-in-Schools Scheme
Children`s Books Ireland
Feltmakers Ireland
Irish Guild of Embroiderers
Professional Statement
My practice ranges across two areas of the arts, written and visual, and the greater part of my practice has to do with encouraging children`s creativity.
I write for children and have been focussing on poetry for seven to twelve year olds for the past number of years.
In my own textile work I am drawn to traditional machine and hand embroidery techniques and while I love experimenting I seem always to come back either to textile pieces where the stitching and manipulation has been suggested by the material itself (such as old leather evening gloves) or on the other hand, by simple graphic motifs.
I return again and again to the simplest hand and machine stitching in combination with layering of fabrics and several variations of appliqu using figurative images such as birds and animals, trees, the human figure and, recently (and playfully), beetles. I use print in some of my work and am drawn to the possibilities in overdyeing and bleaching using dressmaking fabrics and old garments as a starting point. I often re-use materials that have been discarded by others to make something new.
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