Aileen Lambert's profile

Name: Aileen Lambert
Organisation: Visual Artists Ireland Ground Up
Member since:2010-04-14
Last online:2010-04-14
Aileen Lambert was born in County Wexford in 1975, where she now lives and works. Aileen studied in LSAD, Limerick between 1993 and 1997, and graduated with an MA in Visual Arts Practices (MAVIS), from DLIADT, Dublin, in January 2007. Her practice spans video, performance and sound work, as well as participatory projects with people of all ages.
Recent solo exhibitions include Come and Gone which was presented in Wexford Arts Centre (Jan 08), Droichead Arts Centre, Drogheda (Jan 09) and the Linenhall Arts Centre, Castlebar (June 09). Tide, featuring video, sound and performance was presented in Sirius Arts Centre, Cobh, in June 08, and Within and Without, was presented in Triskel, Cork, in April 2009. Aileens video and performance work has been presented in exhibitions and events nationally and internationally including the National Review of Live Art (Glasgow), Festival Miden (Greece), InfrAction International Performance Art Festival (France), Darklight Film Festival (Dublin), 7000IS (Iceland), Anti Festival of Contemporary Art (Finland), Tulca (Galway) Out of Site (Dublin) and SWGC Art Gallery (Newfoundland).
Recent projects with young people include CLICK-CLICK, an integrated youth arts project undertaken by young people from the Irish Wheelchair Association Youth Service and the Tallaghtfornia Forige Club. The twelve participants developed skills in video, camera and stop-motion animation for this film and web-based project. Documentation of the process and the resulting works are featured on the website Funded by The Arts Councils Artist in the Community Scheme managed by CREATE, and the Department of Social and Family Affairs.
Aileen has been commissioned by Wexford County Council to undertake a number of Public Art Commissions including Bthar (Clonroche, 2005), ist (Ballymurn, 2005) and The Soft Edge, a participatory project in the townsland of Creagh, Gorey, which featured a walk event and culminated in the launch of a publication in January 08. Aileen has recently been commissioned by Yale University and The Arts Council to produce new performance work for the School of Divinities in Yale, Connecticut, US. She is currently working on public art commissions with Fingal and Mayo County Councils. Aileen was in receipt of a Bursary from Wexford County Council in June 2008, and The Arts Council in 2007 and 2009.
Professional Organisation
Visual Artists Ireland
Ground Up
Professional Statement
Aileens practice spans video, performance and sound work, as well as participatory and public art projects. Much of her work as an individual artist is concerned with the relationship which the body has with its environment. Using simple actions, gestures, processes, and interventions, shes traces her bodys presence on the landscape, expressing and documenting the bodys presence in a particular place and time. This interest in exploring relationships with place has also been explored in a number of public art commissions and participatory projects she has undertaken with various communities. See for more information.
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