Ciaran Gray's profile

Name: Ciaran Gray
Organisation: Dance Ireland
Member since:2010-03-19
Last online:2010-03-20
Ciaran Gray is a primary school teacher with a specialist interest and expertise in creative dance. He has been teaching dance for nearly thirty years and recently completed a masters degree in dance at Limerick University. His thesis entitled "Boys Don`t Dance" can be viewed at It addressed the issues associated with encouraging boys to begin and stay dancing.
Company B is a dance company for primary school age boys, founded by Ciaran in 2008 and is dedicated to the idea that dance can be the most normal activity in the world for boys given the right atmosphere and context.
Professional Organisation
Dance Ireland
.Professional Statement
I am dedicated to the idea of furthering the activity of dance, both for young male participants and the teachers who work with them, particularly in primary schools.
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