Cara Byrne's profile

Name: Cara Byrne

Organisation: Working with Lismore Castle Arts, taking part in various, diverse workshops for children, based around artistic themes.


Member since:2010-03-15

Last online:2011-04-12


Graduated with a BA from Crawford College of Art Aand Design, Cork.

I have knowledge of many ares of art such as -Photography (Digital and film), -Darkroom experience, -Digital Printing calibration, Art software e.g. photoshop, Use of Mac and PC, -Batik, -Encaustic Art, -Ceramics, -Life drawing, -Oil, Acrylic and Watercolor painting, -Still life, -Interior design, -Textiles, -Graphics, -Canvas making, -Art history, -Multimedia, -Animation, -Mixed media, -Installation art.
Worked in many areas of art such as Goldsmiths, Pottery, Art Administration, Art Groups etc

Professional Organisation

Working with Lismore Castle Arts, taking part in various, diverse workshops for children, based around artistic themes.


Professional Statement

Why separate life from art? After all we don`t see things as they are, we see them as we are.

Media and techniques

Primary medium: Mixed Media

Secondary medium: Photography

Creative Context

Primary context: All contexts

Secondary context: Youth


Lismore Castle Arts
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