Kareen Pennefather's profile

Name: Monkeyshine Theatre
Organisation: Monkeyshine Theatre
Website: http:/www.monkeyshinetheatre.com
Member since:2010-02-19
Last online:2010-02-19
Monkeyshine theatre was formed in 1999 by a group of theatre graduates from the university of Ulster at Coleraine. At first the company created unusual and innovative street performance, visiting festivals and community events through out Ireland and the U.K. Taking the circus and puppetry skills they had used in their street performance the company began to explore devised, physical theatre.
The company`s Eureka moment came when they were commissioned by Young at Art, The Belfast Children`s festival to create a piece for children exploring the world of dreams. Since that moment creating quality theatre experience for children and young people has become Monkeyshine`s driving passion.
Professional Organisation
Monkeyshine Theatre
.Professional Statement
Monkeyshine creates theatre experiences for children of all ages. We aim to create original and innovative theatre by telling stories and celebrating humanity, with honesty, intelligence, imagination, wit and beauty.
We push the boundaries of our art and our business and strive to challenge and stimulate both our audience and ourselves. We feel that every child has a cultural entitlement and that it is of utmost importance to provide the children and young people of Ireland with best possible arts and culture available.
It is our goal to create work that will appeal to children and young people with out patronising or exploiting them. We hope that our work will entertain and engage the sustained interest of our young audience and offer them a stimulating and satisfying aesthetic, imaginative, intellectual or emotional experience that goes beyond the banal and the obvious and develops and challenges their inner life, sense of self or understanding of and engagement with the world.
The company, led by artistic director and founder member Kareen Pennefather, works as an ever-changing ensemble of performers, musicians, artists and technicians. We are passionate about our multi-disciplined creative process and as a team we are continually sharing and developing skills.
We tour our work nationally and internationally to theatre spaces as well as more unconventional venues.
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